Make the Most of Your Style Mini

There’s something delicious about a snack-sized styling service :) It’s such an easy way to see what this whole personal styling this is all about without making a big commitment. But because your styling appointment is just 1 hour, being prepared can make a huge difference in what you get out of it. Here are our best tips for making the most of your Style Mini styling session.

Get a full-length mirror.

TBH, whether you work with a personal stylist or not, having a full-length mirror is probably the easiest step you can take to make sure you look and feel great in your clothes each day. It’s impossible to get the full picture of how an outfit is working (or not) using a bathroom mirror that’s waist up only. If you don’t have tons of space, there are plenty of back-of-the-door options available.

 Tell your stylist your #1 priority.

Your stylist reviews your Style Quiz before your styling session begins, but the clearer your stylist is on your goals, the better your stylist can deliver Looks that meet them. Whether you need professional Looks for returning to the office or just want to find ways to wear that pair of boots you impulse-purchased in Austin last year, your stylist can help!

Make life easier with 2 devices.

If possible, log into your styling session from a laptop or iPad so that your phone is free to take photos of the Looks your stylist pulls together.

Your ideal tech setup:

Is your laptop or iPad around counter height, next to your mirror, with the screen facing you. This allows your stylist to see you while you see yourself in the mirror and makes communication nice n’ easy! 

Clear the room.

You don’t need to be in a perfectly lit studio, but clearing a specific area for your styling session helps things run smoothly. Ideally, you’ll have an open “staging area” (like a bed) where you can leave pieces when you don’t have them on, and a patch of floor free from clutter to try things on.

Take out your favorite pieces — and any pieces that aren’t “favorites” but that you wear a lot.

This gives your stylist a great baseline for how you currently dress and enables them to make outfits that you will actually wear. Our stylists are also excellent at figuring out why you’re reaching for a particular item often that you admittedly don’t love. They can then either source potential replacements for you or show you how to love it.

Take out pieces you would like to wear more often.

We’ve all bought something we were sure we’d wear all the time and worn it exactly… never. Those pieces are a great place to start during your Style Mini styling session. Have them out and ready to show your stylist and start there.

Check your texts!

On the day of your styling session, you’ll receive a text from Stylematch support. The purpose of this text is simply to make it easy for you to send us photos of your styled Looks without having to dig up our number. If you don’t have it 1 hour before your styling session, please feel free to contact us!

Send us pics!

During your session, your stylist will create a minimum of 5 Looks from your existing wardrobe and will instruct you to snap a photo of each Look as you go. At the end of your session, send those photos to Stylematch support by replying to our previous text.

Download the Stylematch app.

If you don’t have the Stylematch app yet, there’s no time like the present! After your styling session, Stylematch will add the Looks your stylist created (with styling notes and category tags) to your account on the app.

Don’t have a Style Mini booked yet? Click here to book a Style Mini!


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