Make the Most of Your Subscription

While it can be cathartic to overhaul your entire wardrobe in one fell swoop, depending on your lifestyle and schedule it can also be overwhelming, exhausting, and… well… impossible. Stylematch is here offer an alternative — a monthly Subscription.

Our Subscription allows you to work with a dedicated stylist on an ongoing basis without having to carve out hours at a time. In addition to letting you break up your styling into more manageable slots, a Subscription also lets you take your time to really build a wardrobe you love without any pressure. Here are our tips for making the most your Subscription:

Get a flexible tape measure.

Sizing varies wildly from one brand to the next — and from one item to the next even from the same brand. During your first Subscription Styling Session, we recommend having a flexible tape measure on hand. By taking your measurements, your stylist will have an accurate reference point to find the perfect fit across brands.

Get yourself a full-length mirror.

Beyond enlisting the help of a professional, getting a full-length mirror is perhaps the single most effective thing you can do to get a handle on your style and ensure you feel great in your clothes. If you can’t see your entire Look, you can’t know if it’s working. If you don’t have a full-length mirror, identify the best (i.e. biggest/ easiest to see yourself in) mirror you do have and clear the area in front of it so you’re ready for your session.

Have 2 devices on hand.

If possible, sign into the session from a laptop or iPad so that your phone can be free to use as a camera without interrupting the flow. This makes it easier to snap a selfie of any winning Looks because you have one devise for the video chat and one device to use as a camera.

No Legos on the floor, OK?

The more clutter in your space, the harder it is for your stylist to see your clothes and pull together Looks. So take 5 minutes before your Styling Session and clear an area where you can work without distraction.

Pull out the usual suspects.

These are pieces you wear all the time, either because you love them, or because they're just easy. Seeing what you gravitate towards gives a nice overview of where you're comfortable and lets your stylist pull together some Looks you'll wear right away. If possible, divide these into two piles before you session begins: 1) I wear this because I love it! and 2) I wear this because it’s just easy.

Pull out your “meh” pieces.

If you have clothes that you never wear (or that make you sad!), your stylist can evaluate whether there's a way to change that – or if you should free up the space. Please note: If you have a lot of these, you could easily dedicate multiple sessions to deciding what to keep. That’s totally fine if that’s what you need, but we also try to ensure your stylist pulls together at least a few Looks during every session so you are constantly building up your wardrobe.

Set reasonable expectations.

The great thing about a Subscription is there’s always next month :) After learning more about your goals, your stylist will map out a plan for how to use your time over the next few sessions. The idea is to make incremental, meaningful improvements each time without packing so much in you’re not having fun. Our stylists are experts at this and love the benefits of working with clients consistently over time.

Get excited!

Anything new brings uncertainty – but rest assured that we've got you covered. Our stylists are total pros who love their work. Now, 30-mins isn't going to get you through everything, but it will get you started. Before you know it, you're going to love getting dressed :)


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